⟩ Explain what Is Term Plan In Life Insurance?
This offers insurance protection for a limited period only whereby the money is paid up if you pass away or if you suffer total and permanent disability.
This offers insurance protection for a limited period only whereby the money is paid up if you pass away or if you suffer total and permanent disability.
Write a program to show synchronization?
Different between Struts and Spring? or Why use Spring, if you are already using Struts?
Explain what is synchronization?
Will it be called overriding if I do not change the parameters or return type, instead throw a different exception in the method signature?
How will the struts know which action class to call when you submit a form?
If I define a method in JSP scriplet <%..%>, where will it go after translation into a servlet?
Explain servlet life cycle?
What is jsp life cycle?
What is AOP(assepct oriented programing)?
What are the diff types of exception?