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⟩ How do I prevent errors when running t3dbping?

When you are testing your Oracle database connections under UNIX, you can run SQL*PLUS and can successfully ping the database using utils.dbping. However, when you use the multitier utils.t3dbping utility, you receive an ORA-12154 error message.

First, make sure that your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is correctly set to point to your Oracle installation. This variable must be set in the environment where the WebLogic server is running.

In the C-shell issue the following command:

$ setenv ORACLE_HOME path

where path is the path to your Oracle installation.

In the Bourne shell, issue the following commands:


$ export ORACLE_HOME

where path is the path to your Oracle installation. When you ping your database using the two-tier utils.dbping utility, the JDBC driver loads the database client library and establishes the connection to the database. When you use the multitier utils.t3dbping utility, the WebLogic Server loads a two-tier driver and uses it to establish a database connection. In both cases, the same method is used to connect to the database. SQL*PLUS works because it doesn't require ORACLE_HOME to find the client libraries.

If you are still experiencing problems, try this:

1. Open a command shell.

2. Run the two-tier version of utils.dbping in this shell.

3. Start WebLogic in this shell from the command line:

$ java -ms32m -mx32m weblogic.server

4. Open a second command shell.

5. Run the utils.t3dbping in the second shell against the server running in the first command shell.

If this procedure doesn't work, please send the output from these commands to WebLogic technical support.


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