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⟩ How does concurrency work for message-driven beans?

The way concurrency is achieved for Queues is by spawning one JMSSession per MDB instance in the pool. Since JMSSessions are processed in parallel by JMS, concurrency is obtained naturally this way and JMS takes care of delivering the message to, at most, one listener. If an MDB is deployed to multiple servers in a cluster, JMSSessions are created for each MDB instance on each server and load balancing will be done across them.

For Topics in WebLogic JMS 6.1, there is one JMSSession per bean instance in the pool. Because of the way Topics work, the session, and thus every bean instance, receives a copy of each message published on that Topic. (There was also a problem that caused parallel processing not to work correctly. This has been fixed for WLS 6.0 Service Pack 1.) Within a single server, one topic consumer is used to pass out messages to multiple threads to get the concurrency while producing only a single copy of each message. You can configure multiple MDBs to listen on the same topic and each MDB will receive a copy of every message. When using multiple servers, each server gets its own consumer and therefore its own copy of each message. It is not currently possible to share a consumer across multiple servers. If you want a message to be processed by exactly one MDB, use a queue.

One customer had an example where topic MDBs are needed in which there will be multiple implementations of the MDBs listening on the same topic. In other words, more than one MDB with a different implementation may be subscribing to the same topic. The client has no advanced way of knowing how many different kinds of MDBs may be listening on the same topic, but it is possible for there to be more than one listener, therefore topics, not queues. For each kind of MDB listening on the topic, the message is delivered exactly once (i.e., the message will be delivered exactly once to an instance in each named MDB pool listening on the topic).


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