⟩ Tell us when An “onsurfacechange” Can Occur?
When the screen size changes the “onsurfacechange” occurs, and this can happen when the device orientation changes.
When the screen size changes the “onsurfacechange” occurs, and this can happen when the device orientation changes.
Difference between Process and Thread?
Explain Preemptive scheduling and time slicing?
What are the two types of multitasking?
Name the method for setting the priority?
Name the default thread at the time of starting the program?
What is the sleep() method Data type for the parameter?
Provide the values for max-priority, min-priority and normal-priority level?
What is daemon thread and how it differs from user thread?
What are the different states of a threads lifecycle?
Name the mechanism defined by java for the Resources to be used by only one Thread at a time?