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⟩ Write code for JTable with custom cell editor and custom cell renderer?

Now comes harder part of swing interviews, questions asked in this part of Swing interview is mostly about writing code and checking developer’s capability of API familiarity, key concept of swing code etc.

JTable is one of favorite topic of all Swing interviews and most popular questions on swing interviews are from JTable why? Because here interviewer will directly asked you to write code another reason is JTable heavily used in all Electronic trading GUI. GUI used for online stock trading uses JTable to show data in tabular format so an in depth knowledge of JTable is required to work on online trading GUI developed in Swing. While this question is just an example questions around JTable are mostly centered around updating table, how do you handle large volume of data in table, using customize cell renderer and editor, sorting table data based on any column etc. so just make sure you have done quite a few handsone exercise on JTable before appearing for any java swing interview in IB.


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