
Question and Answer:

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⟩ What are the differences between EJB 3.0 and EJB 2.0?

EJBs are now plain old Java objects (POJO) that expose regular business interfaces (POJI), and there is no requirement for home interfaces.

► Use of metadata annotations, an extensible, metadata-driven, attribute-oriented framework that is used to generate Java code or XML deployment descriptors.

► Removal of the requirement for specific interfaces and deployment descriptors (deployment descriptor information can be replaced by annotations).

► Interceptor facility to invoke user methods at the invocation of business methods or at life cycle events.

► Default values are used whenever possible (“configuration by exception” approach).

► Reduction in the requirements for usage of checked exception.

► A complete new persistence model (based on the JPA standard), that supersedes EJB 2.x entity beans


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