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⟩ What are the different types of layout managers used in Swing?

Layout manager is an object that is used to implement an interface which determines the size and position of the component that is used inside a container. Components can provide the size and the alignments regarding the container's layout. The main layouts that are used in the layout managers are given as:

• BorderLayout: this layout is used by every content panel. It places all the components in all the five areas given top, bottom, left, right, and center. This layout can be created by using the JtoolBar.

• BoxLayout: this layout consists of the components that are represented using the single row or column.

• CardLayout: this layout is used to implement the area that consists of many other components used at different times. This layout is controlled using the combo box.

• FlowLayout: it is the default layout for every Jpanel and it displays the components in a single row that starts with a new row.

• GridBagLayout: it allows the component to be placed and aligned by keeping them in a grid of cells.

• GridLayout: it allows the components to be of equal size and display equal number of rows and columns.

• GroupLayout: it uses the user interface builder tools that allows the work can be done by using the vertical and horizontal layouts. The dimensions are defined independently.


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