
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Basic Broadcast Journalist Job Interview Questions

☛ What is your favorite place in this city?

☛ Define how you would add to our publication?

☛ What was the most-inspiring story you have ever written?

☛ Give me the three best qualities of your writing style?

☛ Tell me about a time when you showed determination to finish a story.

☛ If given an assignment to write about a non-current event, what topic would you choose and why?

☛ If you were to write for our blog, how would you make it better?

☛ Tell me about all the forms of writing you like to engage in?

☛ Being a journalist is a 24/7 job, are you ready for that?

☛ How well are your listening skills?

☛ Our sports team is doing great, have you been watching them?

☛ What do you think about our current Governor?

☛ How would you better the city you wrote for? Give me a few examples of how your writing and reporting would affect the city.

☛ Do you have the ability to work under pressure to beat publication deadlines?

☛ Give me examples of times when you have worked under pressure to beat deadlines and have your story in on time. My next question is were you procastinating?

☛ Give me an example of when you worked irregular hours?

☛ What could you improve upon in your writing style?

☛ On your free time, where do you usually spend your time in this city?

☛ What is your favorite inspirational point, place, to write?

☛ What is your favorite novel?

☛ Which current writer, are you inspired by or appreciate the most?

☛ What are your thoughts on childhood education? Should school be all year long?

☛ What are your thoughts on abortion?

☛ What do you feel about the mortgage crisis?

☛ Are you okay with being blamed for a story that could tarnish the life of another?

☛ Would you be hesitant to ask uncomfortable questions?

☛ Are you afraid to interview citizens?

☛ Would you rather write a story that laid down the facts, or would you add an element that would entertain the audience?

☛ If I told you, our writers must write in a blog, would you be okay with that?

☛ What writing would interest you most in this position?

☛ What was the last book you read?

☛ What is your favorite writing topic?

☛ Would you enjoy reporting about a scandal in the mayors office?

☛ Would you enjoy writing a story about a successful business in the area?

☛ Would you enjoy writing a story about a local child who just overcame a severe illness?

☛ Tell me the most interesting current affair in your mind?

☛ How would you rate your spelling?

☛ How would you rate your grammar?

☛ What is most important to your writing style?

☛ What are the three qualities you look for in every story you write?

☛ What was the worst story you have ever written? Why was it your worst?

☛ Would you roll up stress in a ball and throw it out the window?

☛ How would you handle stress?

☛ Do you blog?


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