
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain me what do you think are your strengths?

This is a very common interview question and you should answer in a way that reinforces your work experience and your long-term career goals. You may be an amazing frisbee player, a superb cook and a talented computer programmer. But this is the time to talk about your greatest strength in the workplace — so take some tome to think about your professional strengths.

Ideally you have picked 2-3 things and a sample answer you really believe make you stand out as an employee for this particular job or company This is the kind of question that is often used during a screening or phone interview. The more specific you can be about examples demonstrating these strengths, the better. It’s much more compelling, for example, to say that you are “usually the colleague in the room that brings everyone together when there are disagreements over strategy or business plans” rather than a more generic statement about being “a good team player.”


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