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⟩ Basic Industrial Labour Job Interview Questions

► What is industrial relations system?

► Name the various parties involved in IR system?

► What are the main issues covered IR system?

► Why is it important to have an IR system in place?

► What are the benefits of having an industrial relations system in place?

► What are the main objectives of industrial relations system?

► Explain Dunlop's theory of industrial labor relations.

► Name the three factors Dunlop's theory advice to consider while conducting and analysis of management-labor relationship.

► Explain the unitary perspective of IR from employer point of view.

► Explain the unitary perspective of IR from employee point of view.

► What is the pluralistic perspective of IR system? What are the implications of this approach?

► What is marxist perspective of IR system?

► Explain collective bargaining. What are the different types of activities which comprise collective bargaining.

► What are the characteristic features of collective bargaining?

► List down the major steps of collective bargaining.

► Explain CBA.

► What is the importance of collective bargaining to employees and employers.

► Name the three levels at which collective bargaining works?

► Why are trade unions formed? What services do they provide to the members?

► Classify and explain the funtions performed by trade unions

► Which major factors motivate employees to join trade union?

► Name some central trade union organizations existing in India.

► Classify Indian labor market.

► What do you mean by Industrial dispute?

► What are the main causes of Industrial dispute.

► What is strike? What are its various types? What are its major causes?

► Explain Lockouts.

► What measures do you propose to develop congenial Industrial Relations?

► What are the qualifications required to be a conciliation officer? Explain the process of appointment of conciliation officer as per Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?


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