
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Operational Executive Recruiter Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell us about your experience in our industry.

☛ Which jobs in our industry are the hardest to fill and why?

☛ After speaking to your client/hiring manager about a new position, how do you structure your search? How do you go from your long list to your short list?

☛ Describe your preferred mix of candidate sourcing methods. What has worked well for you? What do you no longer do?

☛ What was difficult about sourcing in companies you’ve previously worked for?

☛ List and describe your favorite tools for tracking and following up with candidates.

☛ How do you approach interviews? What is your game plan? What are you trying to find out?

☛ Talk about a hiring process from a previous company. What worked well? What didn’t work well? What would you change?

☛ Here’s our current time to hire, cost per hire, and success rate. What could we do to improve these? Where would you start?

☛ Describe the common challenges of working with hiring managers.


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