⟩ What is a sign that a heifer is coming into heat?
Attempts to mount other animals, nervousness, restlessness, clear mucous discharge
Attempts to mount other animals, nervousness, restlessness, clear mucous discharge
Do your cows eat grass or are they fed organic feed?
Fishiness in butter is caused by A. Aeromonas hydrophila B. Pseudomonas synxantha C. Pseudomonas syncyanea D. Aeromonas hydrophila
Do you separate the baby calves from their mothers?
The chief type of spoilage in sweetened condensed milk may be A. gas formation by sucrose fermenting yeasts B. thickening caused by micrococci C. mold colonies growing on the surface D. all of the above
If you weren't a farmer, what would you be doing?
What do you do when a cow's milk production slows down?
What are career development opportunities at Dairy Farm Manager?
What do you do with all the male calves born on your farm?
What do cows eat?
What's your favorite part about being a dairy farmer?