
Question and Answer:

  Home  Commercial Driver

⟩ Basic Commercial Driver Job Interview Questions

☛ Imagine you’re involved in an accident that isn’t your fault. What do you do?

☛ If a client was dissatisfied because you arrived late with their delivery, how would you handle it?

☛ Imagine you are running late for a delivery because you encountered problems on the road. What could you do to preserve customer service quality without compromising safety?

☛ If I asked you to do basic maintenance to a truck, what steps would you follow?

☛ How much experience do you have as a professional delivery driver?

☛ What was your longest haul? How did you stay alert during this time?

☛ What states/counties have you been to as part of your job?

☛ How do you feel about a slip-seating setup?

☛ How do you ensure you always meet deadlines?

☛ What papers/logs should a truck driver keep? How do you ensure accuracy?

☛ How important is safety to you?

☛ Have you ever received incorrect information from a dispatcher or other colleague? What happened and how did you resolve the issues that occurred?

☛ Tell me about a time you almost lost your concentration on the road. What did you do to stay focused?

☛ Did you have good relationships with clients in your previous job? How did you do it?


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