⟩ Explain what are some of the movement types for stock transport order?
One step transfers of materials can be posted using movement type 301. Other movement types are 303, 351, 641, or 643 in the stock transport order.
One step transfers of materials can be posted using movement type 301. Other movement types are 303, 351, 641, or 643 in the stock transport order.
Tell me how Do I Get A Supplier Added To Oracle For Tendering?
Explain me what Happens If I Realise I Have Missed Something From The Specification After The Tender Document Has Been Issued But Before The Tender Documents Have Been Received From Suppliers?
Tell us what Happens If I Realise I Have Missed Something From The Specification After The Tender Documents Have Been Received From Suppliers?
Suppose I Have Items That I Wish To Remove From My College Or Department. What Do I Need To Do?
Suppose I Am Responsible For Requisitioning On Behalf Of A Department That Uses Acquire. How Long Will It Take For My Requisition To Be Dealt With?
Suppose as Durham University Obtains Funding From Sources Other Than The Public Sector, Are We Still Classed As A Public Body?
Tell us how do you define cost savings in a way that will be embraced by executive management ?
Tell me why Can I Not Give My Card To Somebody Else To Use On My Behalf?
Tell us what factors would you consider if you had to produce cost savings in a short time frame?
Explain me are you familiar with UCC (Uniform Commercial Code)?