⟩ Please explain what Is Carton Clamps?
It is the most versatile attachment used for handling and transporting multiple unpalletized products such as furniture, carton, appliances, etc.
It is the most versatile attachment used for handling and transporting multiple unpalletized products such as furniture, carton, appliances, etc.
Mention the 5 fields available in the symbolic map for every NAMED field in the DFHMDI macro? Give a brief description of these fields (Not exceeding a line).?
How do you intitiate another transaction?
Which option of the PCT entry is used to specify the PF key to be pressed for initiating a transaction?
What is the CICS command used to access current date and time?
How do you terminate an already issued DELAY command?
Mention the option used in the CICS READ command to gain accessibility directly to the file I/O area. (Assume COBOL-II).?
How do you establish a starting position in a browse operation?
What is the CICS command that gives the length of TWA area?
How do you set the MDT option to ON status, even if data is not entered?
How do you dynamically set the CURSOR position to a specific field?