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⟩ Explain the means of supporting pseudo conversation programming. (Eg. Storing and restoring of states, control flow, error handling)?

When we send a map using SEND MAP command, Immediately we release the program by using EXEC CICS RETURN command. In this command we mention the TRANSACTION ID which is to be executed after receiving the map. In this command we also specify the data that should be stored in COMMUNICATION AREA for later use. When this command is executed the corresponding program is released from the memory. After receiving the response from the terminal the program is again loaded and this time the data which we stored in communication area will be copied into the working storage section. And the map will be received with RECEIVE MAP command. The variable EIBCALEN in EIB holds the length of communication area. In procedure division we checks the value of EIBCALEN if it is zero, we first send the map followed by RETURN command. Otherwise, that is if EIBCALEN is not zero, we know that this transaction is not running first time and we receive the map by using RECEIVE MAP command.


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