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⟩ Explain floating maps with illustration?

Maps which can positioon themselves relative to the previous maps on the screen or page are known as the floating maps. For this you have to use special positional operands to LINE and COLUMN parameters of the BMS macro definition. They are SAME, NEXT. Actually this floating map concept is there only in Full BMS where as it is not available in Min. or Standard BMS macros. RECEIVE MAP is not recommended in the case of floating maps. Hence these maps are normally used to send information such as selected records from a database to screen but not for data entry. A mapset can contain more than one map in it, you may use all these maps to build a screen. In that case there are two ways to send these maps on to the screen.

i) Use separate SEND MAP commands one for each map involved. or

ii) Use ACCUM operand along with SEND MAP command and while sending really on to the screen use SEND PAGE to display them at one shot. The second one is called cumulative mapping scheme where you also can use foating maps.

Let's take a situation where you have to build a screen like this

HEADER MAP (no. of A gr. employs)

DETAIL MAP ( employee list)



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