⟩ What is the COMAERA (communication area)?
An area used to transfer data between different programs or between subsequent executions of the same program. Needs to be defined in the LINKAGE Section.
An area used to transfer data between different programs or between subsequent executions of the same program. Needs to be defined in the LINKAGE Section.
Explain ICM instruction?
Explain about maximum displacement and how to cross this limit?
Change process tool(code changes from dev to prd) The changes made to your code should be effected in live. How the process takes place. That is how can you move the code changes from development to production?
How to access VSAm file?
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registers(0-15) ,where they are going be resides does that mean here is it resides whether real or virtual memory? and why? then why we are assign even registers(0 to 6) for FP operations?
Write the fetch cycle and execute cycle for following instructionsJMPNZ (jump to the given address if the accumulator not equal to zero) RET(return from a subroutine) ADB (add the contents of register B to the accumulator and save result in the accumulator)?
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How to initialize 20,000 bytes in the Assembler?
Can we use MVC instruction to move pack field to pack field. which instruction you will use and why?