
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Why we create the Physical File Member?

A member is like an Individual file.It is possible to Have

32767 such members within the same PF.Each member added to

the file will exactly get the same record format(

fields,types and KWDS) on the file.This facility is

provided to meet the requirement when many files are needed

to be created with same structure.Here just Create file

once with MAXMBRS(as many reqd) and ADDPFM will do it.Easy

to create and maintain as a single object.Each member is

identified by unique name within file.

Examples : A School has attendance register per class. Each

Class has 4 sections and in all10 classes. Instead of

Creating and maintaining 40 files and scaterred in a

library, one can create a PF and add 40 members in one


Secondly All Physical files created need not necessarily

have members. Some files are created to store field

definitons only and are called field refrence files. They

need not have members.


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