⟩ What is swap-in and swap-out?
Swap-in and Swap-out is the tranfer of all valid pages
between auxilary storage to real storage and vice-versa.
Swap-in and Swap-out is the tranfer of all valid pages
between auxilary storage to real storage and vice-versa.
What is the maximum number of fields allowed per segment and what is the maximum number of fields per database?
Portfolio analysis application is an example of?
How many root segments do we have per database record?
What is the maximum number of segment types allowed for a single database?
What is the maximum number of levels allowed in IMS DB?
What are the retrieval sequences in IMS DB?
Can we use PROCOPT on PCB and Segment field (SENSEG)?
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What is meant by MPP mode?
What is meant by Batch DL/I mode?