⟩ How many methods are used to calculate depreciation?
3 popular types:
★ Straightline
★ Declining balance
★ Sum-of-Years' Digits Method
3 popular types:
★ Straightline
★ Declining balance
★ Sum-of-Years' Digits Method
Tell me are you aware of the mental requirements of the post of assistant manager?
Tell me why do you find the job interesting or exciting?
Do you have any experience hiring or firing personnel?
Tell me have you done anything further for your experience?
Tell me what other post related experience you have?
Suppose if your previous co-workers were also here, what would they say about you?
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Suppose if A is purchased Excise Duty paid goods i.e. H.R.Sheet. He want to sell the same as vat bill without excise. It can be possible?
Explain er1?
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