⟩ Define Budgeting?
It is forecasting of expenses/income of company which can made by our past records or by some assumption.
It is forecasting of expenses/income of company which can made by our past records or by some assumption.
Do you have any experience hiring or firing personnel?
Tell me have you done anything further for your experience?
Tell me what other post related experience you have?
Suppose if your previous co-workers were also here, what would they say about you?
Explain the rate of vat in raj?
Suppose if A is purchased Excise Duty paid goods i.e. H.R.Sheet. He want to sell the same as vat bill without excise. It can be possible?
Explain er1?
Explain LST Number?
Suppose If my salary is 21855 per month for financial year April 2011 - march 2012 what tax will be deduct?
Explain the basic and additional conditions for Resident and ordinarily resident (ROR)?