
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Your manager has decided he can no longer afford graduate recruitment - how would you convince him otherwise?

Again a question to see if you can think on your feet as It's unlikely you would have prepared an answer beforehand. It's also a question that every graduate should know something about - and therefore have an opinion.

As with all such questions there's no one answer - just try to say a few sensible things based on logic. Think what reasons might have influenced the manager's decision and try and counter them. In this case, you might draw up a comparison between the costs of recruiting experienced staff v. running a graduate training scheme. Similar question that have been asked include:

"What do you think of our graduate recruitment brochure?"

"What are our organization's strengths and weaknesses?"

"Your manager needs to sack ten people. How would you choose which ten?"

"If you were a manager and there were complaints about the way your staff dealt with customers, how would you resolve this?"


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