⟩ Describe a situation where you were in conflict with others. How did you resolve this?
Here they want evidence that you have key skills required in the job - in this case assertiveness and negotiating skills which are important in collective bargaining.
Similar questions include:
"Give an example of when you ... motivated people/overcame a problem/challenged an established procedure/initiated something/had to change your plans at short notice".
Outline the SITUATION, the ACTION that you took and the RESULT achieved. This will help structure your answer.
Make sure that you have examples of key skills prepared beforehand - from school, university, sports, travel and vac. work. Diplomacy is important as HR managers often have an advisory capacity to line managers but with little power of their own so have to be tactful and persuasive to get their way. You can admit to problems arising through tactlessness or misunderstanding provided that you were able to resolve them successfully and can show that you learnt from the experience.