
Question and Answer:

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⟩ If you were shopping for a new car, what would you think if all the Honda or Lexus or Toyota brochures had apostrophes in the wrong place? Or misspelled words? Or glaring grammatical errors? Would you know?

Preparation of additional information/documentation-

During the interview, did you offer to put together a rough outline of a marketing idea you discussed? Were you asked to forward your college transcripts? Did you volunteer to send a great article you’d read about manufacturing in rural areas? Be prompt, precise, and proactive in providing additional material that may help support your candidacy. You may cover these materials with a brief handwritten note or your business card with a word or two jotted on the back.

Follow up phone calls.

It is perfectly appropriate to follow up with the interviewer after a period of time to determine the status of the position and your candidacy. One of your final questions at the end of your interview might be, “When may I expect to hear from you? May I check back with you in two weeks?” Enter the date in your calendar and follow up as promised.

Continued networking:

A successful networking interview should result in additional contact names. Follow through on all leads, and give occasional status updates to the person who originally referred you.


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