
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Research the industry what is going on that will help you understand the larger environment in which the company operates? What is the competition doing?

Develop some initial thoughts about problems the company might be facing and how you and your expertise represent solutions.

Clarify your value.

What do you have to offer$ Think about what you know, what you can do, and how you can help a company. Make a list of the three, four, or five most important assets you bring to the table and be sure you phrase these in terms of value/benefit to the company, not simply knowledge or experience. For example, “five years of experience in business development within IT services industry” is not particularly meaningful to an employer. Instead, phrase it this way: “five-year track record of developing new IT services business with Fortune 1 clients in every major market in the Midwest.” Now that’s something a company will be interested in acquiring.

You might come up with six, ten, or even more areas of value or expertise. (Hint: Most of these should be present in your resume.) In preparing for your interview, pare your list to those that are most relevant to the company and the position at hand. Focus your interview preparation on these critical areas.

Prepare CAR stories that communicate your value.


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