⟩ What is a leader?
A leader is one who makes his subordinates feel comfortable to talk openly and make them what he/she wants them to do.
A leader is one who makes his subordinates feel comfortable to talk openly and make them what he/she wants them to do.
Final technical authority of a project lies with A. Assistant Engineer B. Executive Engineer C. Superintending Engineer D. Chief Engineer
Bar charts are suitable for A. minor works B. major works C. large projects D. all the Above
Works costing less than Rs. 20,000 are treated as A. projects B. major projects C. minor projects D. all the above
If the total float and duration of an activity are 5 and 10 days respectively, the particular activity can be A. started 5 days later B. completed 5 days later C. performed at slower rate in 15 days D. all the above
Pick up the correct statement from the following A. CPM analysis is activity oriented B. PERT analysis is event oriented C. CPM does not make any allowance for the uncertainties in the duration of time D. In CPM, the time is related to cost E. All the above
Modular co-ordination of construction means proper A. planning B. designing C. execution D. all the above
A systems theory of organization sees the firm as a A. network of resource flows B. system transforming inputs into outputs C. physical system managed by a manager using a conceptual system D. All of the above E. None of the above
_____ are knowledge based system to which present rules are applied to solve a particular problem. A. ES B. AI C. KBS D. Base rule 0 E. None of the above
The computer can potentially be used to monitor most of our actions, thus robbing us of _____. A. tapping B. privacy C. back log D. security E. None of the above
An EOQ formula is an example of a(n) A. optimizing model B. static model C. deterministic model D. All of the above E. None of the above