
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Why is a manhole cover round?

Because unusual interview questions can be about virtually any topic, they're nearly impossible to prepare for. Still, here are a few quick tips to help you handle them more effectively:

► Keep your composure.

The question was meant to throw you off your game - so don't let it rattle you. Keep your face neutral and recognize that this is the wacky question you've been anticipating.

► Take your time.

Smile, take a deep breath and avoid the temptation to blurt out an answer. Don't panic - if you have to take a moment to gather your thoughts, it merely demonstrates that you think carefully through a situation before responding.

► Relax.

When it comes to unusual interview questions, your answer is not as important as how you handle the situation. In fact, most don't have right or wrong answers. So take the pressure off yourself. You don't have to be brilliant, you just need to answer honestly.


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