⟩ Ticket is Severity 1 and it is very critical one, your team members they not able to resolve the issue and you are the least person to solve a problem? How do you resolve the issue?
In case of critical issue if no one in the team can resolve the issue.... then here the role of team leader starts.
As a team lead he first need to understand what the issue is about. If he can able to get the problem then of course he must have several options to resolve problem.
In most cases what happen we cannot understand the problem and working hard to get answer or solution.. which is of course not up to the mark.
In such condition once team lead understand the issue his first responsibility is to explain it to the other related peoples in the team. Instead of finding solution alone there is always beneficial that to take other peoples to get the solution. Everyone has its own knowledge and issue solving techniques. So every one can get the answer in their different ways and solution will find easily.