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⟩ Top Customer service based Marketing & Online Customer Support Interview Questions

☛ 1. What does good customer service mean to you?

☛ 2. What appeals to you about this role specifically?

☛ 3. What’s the best customer service you’ve ever received? Why?

☛ 4. Can you tell me about a time you received poor customer service?

☛ 5. Is there a difference between customer service and customer support?

☛ 6. Can you tell me about a time when you were proud of the level of service you gave a customer?

☛ 7. Have you ever dealt with an unreasonable customer? How did you handle it, and how would you handle it today?

☛ 8. Have you ever bent the rules in assisting a customer? Tell me the situation and the outcome.

☛ 9. In your past work, have you ever received negative feedback from a customer? What did you do with that feedback?

☛ 10. Can you tell me about a customer that you found difficult to understand, and how you approached that interaction?

☛ 11. Can you describe a time when you had to say “no” to an important customer’s request?

☛ 12. What’s the best way to help a customer who has worked with multiple agents and hasn’t received the help they need?

☛ 13. Have you had a time when a customer was reporting a technical issue that you didn't know the answer to? What was your approach, and how did it end up?

☛ 14. Can you tell me about a situation with a customer when there wasn’t a clear policy to use, and you needed to make a judgement call? How did you approach your decision, and what happened?

☛ 15. Can you give me an example of a situation where there were major problems with your product/service, and you needed to respond without having all the answers yet?

☛ 16. Can you give an example of how you handled alerting a customer when your product/service caused a major problem?

☛ 17. When responding to a customer, how do you decide what information to include, and what to leave out?

☛ 18. Can you tell me about a time when you needed to convince a customer or a teammate to change the way they were working (e.g., adopt a new procedure or modify their language), and how you went about that?

☛ 19. What’s the last new skill you learned? Why did you choose that skill, and how did you learn it?

☛ 20. Can you tell me about a time when you made a great contribution to your team?

☛ 21. What’s the next book I should read? Why?

☛ 22. What are you better at today than you were this time last year?

☛ 23. What do you think makes a good teammate?


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