⟩ Basic Marketing Intern Job Interview Questions
☛ Why did you choose your field of study?
☛ How has your academic experience prepared you for this position?
☛ What are your plans after graduation?
☛ Why did you choose your field of study?
☛ How has your academic experience prepared you for this position?
☛ What are your plans after graduation?
Tell us what factors do you consider most important when attempting to influence consumer behaviour?
Tell me how do you succeed in sounding convincingly human when writing press releases—not just as if you are trying to follow recipes in saying the ‘right’ things?
Tell me what are the most powerful advertising tools for our products? How do we use them to our advantage?
Please explain an example of how you have effectively managed a tight budget to accomplish a marketing activity?
Tell me what would you do if your promotional idea—in which you had confidence—were to be opposed by senior management and your marketing team?
Please explain what factors do you consider the most important when attempting to influence consumer behavior?
Explain me why do you want to work in marketing?
Tell us if we conducted a client survey and the vast majority of clients said they don’t use social media, would you recommend we keep investing in our social media channels?
Tell us what technologies have you used to reach your clients?
Tell me an example of a campaign that did not work out as you had planned?