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⟩ Explain me why is online marketing increasingly preferred over offline marketing?

Most of the people have started opting for Digital Marketing nowadays because of various benefits:

☛ The online tools for marketing are SEO, Hosting, and Web Development.

☛ The number of leads generated are extraordinary compared to the very expensive offline marketing initiatives.

☛ One can reach a huge and diverse audience online and can even set a worldwide target.

☛ It’s not only possible but also super-easy to make corrections in live campaigns in Digital Marketing in real-time. Optimization-on-the-go is finally a reality, thanks to Digital Marketing.

☛ There are essentially no geographical boundaries when it comes to using online marketing platforms.

☛ Digital Marketing feeds and thrives on consumer behavior analytics. Never before brands had so much meaningful and action-able data available to them for drawing real insights to base their marketing budget on.

☛ Everything is measurable and track-able in Digital Marketing. Marketers are able to measure and improve upon Return-on-Investment.


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