⟩ Ionic compound does not show the property of space isomerism, Give the reason?
Ionic bond is Electrostatic. It is non directional, so Ionic compounds does not show the property of Space Isomerism
Ionic bond is Electrostatic. It is non directional, so Ionic compounds does not show the property of Space Isomerism
What is function group?
To calculate the e.m.f of the cell when does the nelsons equation is use?
Define the Phenomenon catenation. Which element has maximum Catenation ability?
Name the first synthetic organic compound. Who proposed it and from which compound?
In some reactions, Rate of reaction is directly proportional to.
Which equation gives the relation between specific rate (k) and Temperature?
Catalyst used in Bio-Chemical reactions is called.
Reactions catalyzed by light are called as.
Define order of reaction
Give the integrated equation for first order reaction.