⟩ What is the shape of molecules SF6 and IF7?
SF6 is Octahedral
IF7 is pentagonal Bipyramidal
SF6 is Octahedral
IF7 is pentagonal Bipyramidal
How does temperature affect the action of enzymes upon their substrates?
How does the substrate concentration affect the speed of enzymatic reactions?
Since pepsin is a gastric enzyme does it, has acid or basic optimum pH? What happen to pepsin when it passes to the duodenum?
Do enzymes act better under acid or basic pH?
What is kararch effect?
Concerning enzymatic reactions how different, are the graphic curve of the variation of the speed of a reaction as function of substrate concentration and the curve of variation of the speed of a reaction as function of temperature?
What are enzyme cofactors?
Does pH affect the enzyme activity?
What is Hoffman degradation method?
What are allosteric enzymes?