⟩ What is the reaction-taking place when H2 receptor binds to mast cells and basophils?
When H2 binds to mast cells and basophils it suppresses degranulation.
When H2 binds to mast cells and basophils it suppresses degranulation.
Explain me is There Only One Type Of Heart Failure?
Do you know what Was The Surgical Method For The First Open Heart Surgery?
Tell me what Are The Electro Cardiogram Findings Of A Mobitz Type Ii Second Degree Av Block?
Tell us what Are The Positional Changes In Pain Noted By Patients With Pericarditis?
Tell me what Is Peripheral Resistance?
Tell us what Is Congestive Heart Failure, And What Are The Treatment Options?
Explain me what do you know about the heart that everybody else should know?
Tell me why did you specialize in cardiology?
Explain me what is your area of specialization and why you have chosen this area for your specialization?
Tell us what are the various types of Diagnostic tests?