⟩ How to represent the interaction between the modeling elements?
Model element is just a notation to represent (Graphically) the entities that exist in the problem domain. e.g. for modeling element is class notation, object notation etc.
Relationships are used to represent the interaction between the modeling elements.
The following are the Relationships.
Association: Its' just a semantic connection two classes.
Aggregation: Its' the relationship between two classes which are related in the fashion that master and slave. The master takes full rights than the slave. Since the slave works under the master. It is represented as line with diamond in the master area.
car contains wheels, etc.
Containment: This relationship is applied when the part contained with in the whole part, dies when the whole part dies.
It is represented as darked diamond at the whole part.
class A{
//some code
class B
A aa; // an object of class A;
// some code for class B;
In the above example we see that an object of class A is instantiated with in the class B. so the object class A dies when the object class B dies.we can represnt it in diagram like this.
Generalization: This relationship used when we want represents a class, which captures the common states of objects of different classes. It is represented as arrow line pointed at the class, which has captured the common states.
Dependency: It is the relationship between dependent and independent classes. Any change in the independent class will affect the states of t