⟩ Explain me what Is The Best Most Specific And Sensitive Indicator For A Re-myocardial Infartion(post Mi)?
CPK-MB's Coz they return normal after 4-5 days but the Troponins are raised for 4 weeks after 1st MI.
CPK-MB's Coz they return normal after 4-5 days but the Troponins are raised for 4 weeks after 1st MI.
Of which substances is chromatin made?
How are cells with delimited nucleus called? What are the main elements of the nucleus?
Do all eukaryotic cells have nucleus and only one nucleus?
What are heterochromatin and euchromatin?
What is the relation between the concepts of chromatin and chromosome? Are euchromatin and heterochromatin part of chromosomes?
In the phase when the cell is not dividing (interphase) is there activity within the cell nucleus?
How are the concepts of chromosome, chromatin and chromatids related? In which phase of the cell cycle does DNA duplicate?
What is the structure that maintains identical chromatids bound?
How the chromosome region where the centromere is located is called? How are chromosomes classified in relation to the position of their centromere?
What are the primary and the secondary constrictions of a chromosome? What is the other name given to the secondary constriction?