⟩ After the blastula stage what is the following stage of the embryonic development? How is the passage from blastula to the next stage called?
The blastula turns into gastrula in a process known as gastrulation.
Image Diversity: gastrula
The blastula turns into gastrula in a process known as gastrulation.
Image Diversity: gastrula
Tell me how do you react under pressure as Family Physician?
Which inflammatory bowel disease will manifest with deep fissures and fistulas?
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When does the serum lipase begin to rise in patients with acute pancreatitis?
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What is the remnant of omphalomesenteric duct which connects the yolk sac to primitive midgut in the embryo?
Which disorder is characterized by abnormal liver function tests, a TIBC of 61% and an increased ferritin level?
Is it true that morphine is contraindicated in the treatment of acute pancreatitis because of sphincter of Oddi spasm?
Which small bowel obstruction can occur when a large gallstone erodes through the gall bladder and into the duodenum?