⟩ How is immuno electrophoresis more advance than paper electrophoresis?
In paper electrophoresis, serum proteins can be separated into 5 different bands but the same protein using immuno electrophoresis can be separated into 30 different proteins.
In paper electrophoresis, serum proteins can be separated into 5 different bands but the same protein using immuno electrophoresis can be separated into 30 different proteins.
What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule compliment activated by IgG or IgM?
What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule IFN ? secreted by TH or TC cell?
What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule cytotoxic T cells?
What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule natural killer cell macrophages?
What is the host defense mechanism shown if an attachment is made to host cell?
What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through proliferation?
What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through invasion of host tissues?
What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through toxin-induced damage of host cells?
What is an exon?
What is an intron?