
Question and Answer:

  Home  Mortuary Assistant

⟩ Do you know what sort of qualifications/training do you need?

In principle you just need a good basic education (GCSE's etc) as the specific training you require to be an Anatomical Pathology Technician (APT) is done on the job. You do a Certificate in Anatomical Pathology Technology which takes 2 years. You can then do a further 2 years to receive a Diploma in Anatomical Pathology Technology which will allow you to do autopsies on High Risk Cases (such as TB, HIV, Hepatitis and swine flu) and enable you to progress to mortuary manager.

However, places are very competitive and there is a welcome emphasis on Continuing Professional Development within this career. I had a Forensic and Biomolecular Science HND by the time I applied for my post, and most people applying nowadays will hold something similar.


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