⟩ Apoptosis does not usually cause inflammation.
Amyloid reacts with the Congo red stains.
Amyloid reacts with the thioflavine –T stains.
Amyloid reacts with the methyl violet stains.
Amyloid reacts with the alcian blue stains.
Amyloid reacts with the Prussian blue stains.
Outcomes research is often limited in the conclusions that can be drawn because of limitations in the data sources used for the studies. What are the most common data sources and what are their main limitations?
Define "association rules" and describe their use in exploratory data mining.
What advantage does a pathologist have over investigators in most other fields in carrying out outcomes or data-mining studies?
What are process measures in outcomes research and why are they sometimes used in place of actual outcomes data?
Describe the main difference between the hypothesis-testing and hypothesis-generating approaches to data mining.