⟩ With regard to cell growth, achondroplasia does not affect membranous bone
What advantage does a pathologist have over investigators in most other fields in carrying out outcomes or data-mining studies?
What are process measures in outcomes research and why are they sometimes used in place of actual outcomes data?
Describe the main difference between the hypothesis-testing and hypothesis-generating approaches to data mining.
What is an "entity-relationship" diagram useful for, state briefly?
Most of the artificial intelligence systems we discussed rely on some kind of knowledge representation, with the notable exception of neural networks. Where is the "knowledge" in a neural network stored?
How are neural networks different than Bayesian belief networks along the following dimensions (1) inspect ability of knowledge, (2) need for probabilities acquired from "domain" experts, (3) need for data to train the system, and (4) ability of the system to make classifications based on input data. (Note You may find it helpful to make a 2 × 4 table and include a short phrase or two in each cell.)
What is the Arden syntax?
You are working with an intensive care unit (ICU) attending physician on a project to see if you can predict readmission for patients with pancreatitis. You have access to a large database of ICU data (such as cardiac catheter values, vital signs, and respiratory parameters), as well as all of the data that can be gleaned from the LIS. There are approximately 800 measurements of various types for each of 4000 patients. You do not really have any specific ideas about what values would be most predictive; in fact, you think it is likely that the predictors are highly complex combinations of factors. Which of the 3 types of artificial intelligence systems would be most appropriate for this problem, and why?
Rule-based systems underlie most clinical event monitors (programs that detect important clinical events and notify appropriate medical personnel). Often these systems work in conjunction with data from the clinical pathology LIS. What aspects of clinical pathology make a rule-based system a reasonable approach?
Artificial intelligence and data-mining systems often use "training data sets" and "test data sets." Define these terms and describe briefly how these data sets are used.