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⟩ I am lucky enough to have more than one job offer. How do I decide?

Talented people are in short supply. If you're lucky enough to be born with God-given talent and you have this dilemma, you should think about a few things.

The most important factor you should consider is the chemistry between you and your potential manager. You will live and die by your manager. If the manager acts like a schmuck during interview process, she will probably be a real headache when you're working for her as well.

You should also ask yourself what your goals and aspirations are. For example, if you are in a hurry to get into management, you might want to go with a smaller company.

Maybe you want to go to work for a company that offers stock options. If you're a risk-taker who is willing to sacrifice job security for stock options, you may want to work for a biotech company.

Maybe you want to go with a company that starts you off with four weeks vacation from day one (like Sanofi-Aventis).

I like to emphasize that you shouldn't just limit your wish list to one or two companies that are household names. Other companies that don't have the same level of name recognition are al


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