
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain me have You Heard The Term “psychological Mindedness?” What Does That Mean To You? Are You Psychologically Minded? How Do You Know?

PM is an individual's capacity for self-examination, self-observation, introspection and personal insight. It also includes an ability to recognize and see the links between current problems within self and with others, and the ability to insight one's past particularly for its impact on present attitudes and functioning. Psychological mindedness bespeaks a capacity to tolerate psychological conflict and stress intrapsychically rather than by regressive means of conflict management or resolution such as somatization.

For psychiatrist, PM is the ability to look beyond the surface of overt behaviour for underlying psychological meaning. For example, understanding the patient’s subjective responses; objective approach to behaviour; ability to make contact with psychiatric patients; understanding of signs, symptoms and syndromes; ability to conduct and organise investigations and treatment methods using physical, psychological and social approaches; and an understanding of the self.


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