⟩ What property do you have to set to tell the grid which page to go to when using the Pager object?
From a versioning perspective, what are the drawbacks of extending an interface as opposed to extending a class?
What namespaces are necessary to create a localized application?
I was trying to use an out int parameter in one of my functions. How should I declare the variable that I am passing to it?
What are advantages and disadvantages of Microsoft-provided data provider classes in ADO.NET?
What is the difference between // comments, /* */ comments and /// comments?
Explain the three services model (three-tier application). Presentation (UI), business (logic and underlying code) and data (from storage or other sources).
How do I port "synchronized" functions from Visual J++ to C#?
How does one compare strings in C#?
Does C# support #define for defining global constants?
Does C# support parameterized properties?