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⟩ What is diff. between ASP State Management and ASP.NET State Management?(Imp) How can we pass info between 2 pages?

In Distributed network architecture ASP has only one Type of Session Management which can be expressed as InProcess Session State, Where as in .NET architecture ASP.NET Session Management can be done is different ways as 1. In-Process Session Management2. Out-Process Session Management3. Sql-Server Session ManagementIn In-Process Session Management both the Application and the Session will run under the Same Process, where as in Out-Process Session Management Application and the Session will run in different processes. Advantage of Out-Process is that event though the Application is Restared due to any reason the Sessions Assosiated with that application will not be destructed but where as in In-Process Session Management the Session State will be Lost along with the Application.In Sql-Server Session Management, the Session is Maintained in SQLSERVER Database.


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