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⟩ What are ASP.NET Web Forms? How is this technology different than what is available though ASP (1.0-3.0)?

ASP .NET Web form is a tool used to design a web page using the drag and drop feature in VS .NET and is similar to the 'Form' tool in Visual Studio 5.0/6.0. It functions like the Form tag in classic ASP to get or post data from or to the server.

The difference between a classic ASP page and an ASP web Form is as follows:-

A classic ASP has the extension .asp.

An ASP.NET web form has the extension .aspx


A classic ASP page can be created using a Text editor or programs like DreamWeaver.

An ASP .NET web form is created in a project in the VS.NET environment.


The source of a classic ASP is in VBScript or JavaScript and is visible to the end user.

The source of an ASP.NET web form is written in the code behind file ex: .cs for C# or .vb for and is invisible to the end user.


An ASP.NET Web form is Event driven.


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