
Question and Answer:

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⟩ ASP.NET interview questions only?

1. How does ASP page work?

2. How ASP.NET page works?

3. What are the contents of cookie?

4. How do you create a permanent cookie?

5. What is ViewState? What does the “EnableViewState” property do? Whay would I want it on or off?

6. Give an example of what might be best suited to place in the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines?

7. Describe the role of global.asax?

8. How can you debug your.NET application?

9. How do you deploy your ASP.NET application?

10. Where do we store our connection string in ASP.NET application?

11. Explain security types in ASP.NET?

12. Where do we store our connection string in ASP.NET application?

13. Explain different Authentication modes in ASP.NET?

14. How.NET has implemented security for web applications?

15. How to do forms authentication in ASP.NET?

16. Explain authentication levels in.NET?

17. Explain authorization levels in.NET?

18. How can you debug an ASP page, without touching the code?

19. How can you handle Exceptions in ASP.NET?

20. How can you handle UnManaged Code Exceptions in ASP.NET?


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