⟩ What do you mean by Serialization and Deserialization and its use?
To store the vb.net for data into an xml file is called Serialization. To load data from xml file to vb.net form is called DeSerialization.
To store the vb.net for data into an xml file is called Serialization. To load data from xml file to vb.net form is called DeSerialization.
Explain WCF IPC binding type?
Explain WCF Web Service (WS) binding type?
Explain WCF Federated WS binding type?
Explain Duplex WS binding?
What is MSMQ binding?
Explain MSMQ integration binding?
Explain WCF?
Tell me what is service and client in perspective of data communication?
Do you know what is address in WCF and how many types of transport schemas are there in WCF?
Explain Service contracts?