
Question and Answer:

  Home  WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)

⟩ We have already 2 hostings IIS and self hosting. There is another hosting ie WAS Hosting. What is the use of the WAS(Windows activation Service) compared to other hosting?

Windows Process Activation Server (WAS) supports the

communication protocols such as HTTP, TCP, Named Pipes and

MSMQ while IIS supports only HTTP. WAS is available with

Windows Server 2008 only. If the server is Server 2008 then

the better option to deploy WCF service is through WAS. If

the deployment server is Server 2003, the only possible way

to deploy the application with protocols other than HTTP is

using self hosting (using a Windows Application or a Windows

Service and if for a demo purpose can use Console

application also). So WAS is a gift with Vista and Server



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